Decidim in use
These cities, regions and organizations are already using Decidim
You can use Decidim in a public or private organisation, with hundreds or thousands of potential participants, such as a city council, an association, a university, an NGO, a trade union, a neighbourhood collective or a cooperative...
European Commission
The digital platform was launched on 19 April 2021 and was open to contributions until 9 of May 2022. During this...
Read the case studyCity of Helsinki
We evaluated seven different kinds of participatory budgeting options to find the right platform to support...
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Facts & Figures
Decidim keeps growing and being adopted by organizations and the community.
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Datorită Decidim, la Barcelona am reuşit să coelaborăm un plan de oraş strategic împreună cu cetăţenii. În 2016 am inaugurat Planul de acțiune municipal sub forma unui proces participativ prin Decidim Barcelona. În prezent, acest plan include aproape 7 000 de propuneri din partea cetățenilor. Unul dintre avantajele utilizării acestei platforme este că puteţi monitoriza în orice moment stadiul punerii în aplicare a propunerilor aprobate.
Gala Pin
Primăria din Barcelona (2015-2019)
Aproape fiecare proces participativ care a ajuns la masa noastră, am reuşit să îl rezolvăm folosind regulile de afaceri ale Decidim. Ca instrument, este unul foarte puternic. Cu toate acestea, partea care ni se pare cea mai puternică şi cea mai importantă este comunitatea sa, atât dezvoltatorii, cât şi cei care o folosesc pentru procesele participative. Coexistenţa cu acestea ne-a făcut să apreciem provocările pe care le implică punerea în aplicare a democraţiei participative în lumea reală.
Alejandra González
Guvernul deschis al oraşului Mexic
Part of what makes Decidim so powerful is that it adds a level of abstraction to the work separating out the steps of a process and the activities associated with the process. That’s part of the information architecture, so that not only you are saying what is happening at each step but different parts of Decidim behave differently depending on when you are doing or depending on what step in the process you are in. The fact that that’s customizable really allows Decidim to be moulded to how we are doing our work and not our work to be moulded.
Francisco Tena
Pipeline to Power, working for NYC Civic Engagement Commission
Over 400 entities, 250 governamental and 150 grass root communities have chosen Decidim for their democratic processes.
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